Fleas and ticks cause much distress to owners and can be a major source of frustration. Fleas and ticks can cause discomfort in your dog and make it itchy.
In addition, they can also pass diseases to dogs, such as Lyme Disease. Read this article to learn how to prevent fleas and ticks on dogs.
Itchy Dog
If your dog is scratching, he may have fleas or ticks. The most common sign to look for is that your dog will be scratching himself constantly. If you see some fleas on your dog, you should use a flea treatment or flea comb to comb out the fleas on him.
Scabs and Bumps
There may also be scabs or bumps where the ticks or fleas are located. Ticks can be harder to find on dogs, and this is because of their size.
Hair Loss
If you do not see scabs, bumps, or fleas on your dog but notice that his hair is falling out faster than usual, he may have ticks. Ticks can be harder to detect, especially the American dog tick, which has a brownish color and is very small in size.
Eczema (Skin Rash)
If your dog still has fleas and ticks, but his hair is healthy, he may have eczema. This is a condition in which the skin becomes irritated and itchy. This will be most noticeable in the head and neck area.
It can be hard to find out if there are worms in your dog's system because they are inside the body. The only way to know if your dog is infested with worms is to perform a fecal exam. You will want to look for symptoms such as diarrhea, anorexia, and lethargy.
Try to bathe your dog at least once every two weeks. Bathing will prevent fleas and ticks from breeding. Remove all dead skin, as this is a harbor for fleas and ticks. Also, wash the area where the flea or tick is located as often as possible to prevent it from spreading to other areas of your dog.
Always use a spray that is safe for both you and your pet. Apply this spray daily on your pet's fur if it is infested with fleas or ticks. Spray your pet and all the areas where they infrequently go.
Shampoos help kill fleas, ticks, and lice on your dog's coat. However, do not use any shampoo made for people; these shampoos are too harsh for dogs. Choose a shampoo labeled dog-safe that is gentle on your dog's skin.
Flea Sprays
Flea sprays can be a little expensive, but several brands are available at affordable prices. Avoid using a flea spray on your dog's face, however, as it could irritate their eyes. Spray the top and back end of your dog's body where fleas usually reside.
Topical Medicines
Many topical medicines can be applied to dogs to kill ticks or fleas. Topical medication will not prevent ticks or fleas from biting your pet, but it will kill the ticks or fleas on the dog.
Oral Immunizations
Vaccines for dogs can also be given orally to prevent ticks and fleas. These vaccines will last longer than most topical medicines but have some side effects. One of these side effects is that these immunizations can be costly compared to topical treatments. This is why many pet owners choose to use topical medicine over immunizations. However, it is essential to remember that after giving your dog a vaccine, you should continue with topicals to ensure optimum protection against fleas and ticks.
Wash Clothes
When you go out with your dog, keep a change of clothes in case he gets fleas or ticks. It is essential that you remove the animal parasites quickly and should wash these clothes separately.
There are many ways that you can keep fleas and ticks away so as not to damage your dog. Knowing these things will ensure that you have a safe and healthy dog. Always read the label before using a particular product on your pet.
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